In the first act of Richard Wagner’s Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, the knight Walther von Stolzing (obviously a tenor) is given a piece of advice which may be synthetically summarised in the following way: in order to become a master in the profession of an artist-singer, one has to flawlessly perform a completely new song in front of the audience download ni multisim. During the 1st International Antonina Campi Vocal Competition, singing a new song will not be required (though possible), however, the flawless performance of the chosen songs will certainly be appreciated mi gente 다운로드.
We would like to invite young Polish, European and international vocalists to take part in a wonderful adventure which will begin in February 2017 at the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in the beautiful City of Lublin 영화 감기.
The competition is aimed at young singers who will not yet have turned 35 on its opening day. Artists will be judged by international jurors who are connected with theatres in Austria, the USA, Germany, Poland and Hungary 그레고리안 성가 다운로드.
The vocal competition is a new event in Lublin, however, it faithfully reflects its openness, ambition and a great curiosity about the world Download the Kakao tv video. It is simply an important event both for the city and the region which does not only provide artistic experiences, but also plays a culture-making role in the life of the residents 윈도우 10 sticky note. The competition promotes art which may still be perceived as elite and, simultaneously, it displays the unknown history of the city by portraying the native patron of the competition – a great artist performing on the most prestigious opera stages, a citizen of Europe, and friend of Mozart 아이패드로 유튜브 동영상.
We are fully aware that when it comes to the dreams of male and female singers, very few things have changed since Antonina Campi, thus for over 200 years I love. Even today, singers dream of taking part in different spectacles that are played in the finest international theatres. However, the way to the desired opera stages is difficult and often very long fastboot 드라이버 다운로드. There is one thing that is known for sure: it may begin in Lublin.
Ewa Vesin
Mateusz Wiśniewski